Buy & Build
Specialist Growth Fund
1. Not acquiring enough new clients
2. Not getting revenue from existing clients
3. Operating inefficiently
4. Unproductive human capital
5. Unprofitable
6. Business has no transfer value.
When the business has achieved perfection what it will enable the owners to do with their lives. The 5–10-year goal that directs their personal life.
What the business does, for who and to what standard. The everyday purpose of its existence that drives the business direction and values. Strategies How each Objectives will be achieved – the clever (tech) bit
Action Plans
How the Strategies will be achieved - who does what and when – another clever (tech) bit.
The investment needed and the sales and margins to justify it. Management accounts Tracking and comparing the monthly budget to take corrective action as trends develop. KPI reports Weekly early warnings of pre finance trends for quick corrective action.
This gets a business as big and as profitable as wanted. It works because this is what the big businesses do. That’s how they got big, it’s no accident.
The whole point of owning a business is to derive personal benefits, your ‘Vision’. But is it happening for you, and if not which of these matters most, be it problem or ambition:
1. Exit with a significant capital sum?
2. Recovery from a setback?
3. Growth?
4. Lifestyle improvement?
5. Effectiveness?
6. Diversification into new products or markets?